Dental Trip To Mexico by District 7070Rotarians - People of Action
In January 2019, Rotary People of Action (Past District 7070 Assistant Governor Dr. Raffy Chouljian, President Scarborough Passport Rotary Club Jennifer Fogarty, Scarborough Passport Rotary Club member Ryan Fogarty and Youth Committee Chair Oshawa-Parkwood Rotary Club, Sonya Thompson,) coupled the organizational help of Past District Governor Michael Bell, reactivated the mobile dental clinic and traveled to small villages around Huatulco to provide free dental care to children.
The mobile clinic is a basic trailer with a dental engine (the chair) bolted to it yet, there are no chairs for the dentist or assistants and subsequently no tables either furthermore; there were very few instruments to work with.
This experience was a true example of rotary volunteers dedicating their talent and time for a humanitarian cause.
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