2025 Rotary Rose Parade Committee Float Theme: On The Road With Rotary
Every year, the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee has a viewing audience of over 41 million households in the United States and 28 million households around the world in more than 243 countries/ territories - Rotary's biggest Public Image event every year . The Tournament estimates that more than 700,000 are present live on the parade route, over 22,000 view the floats as they are decorated; and almost 122,000 view the post-parade floats. That's what we call boosting Rotary's public image . Tune into KTLA for the best coverage of the Parade and see the 2025 Rotary Rose Parade Float on January 1, 2025 as early as 10 am (Toronto Time). Read more for the rest of the story ......
Does Rotary International pay for the float?
Rotarians, Clubs and Districts in the United States and Canada donate the majority of the money to pay for the float. The RRPFC also receives monies from corporate sponsors and individual sponsors which varies from year to year. Rotary International paid in 2020 for 2 rider positions the same amount as other riders and will do so again in 2022 and 2023. The current Budget for the 2022 Float is $143,655.00. With an audience of over 71 million, including live audience and pre and post live viewing and television and streaming broadcasts that amounts to about .2 cents per viewer. Even if only the live viewers are counted the cost per viewer is $.20 cents per viewer.
You and/or your club can donate: go to: https://co.clickandpledge.com/advanced/default.aspx?wid=44887
How are the contributions used?
Approximately 64% of the money raised goes to costs directly into building, decorating and entering the float in the parade. The balance of the funds raised pay for business, banking, insurance and other miscellaneous costs related to the float and hosting the RI President while attending the parade and other related activities. None of the money raised for float construction is spent on professional staff or committee perks.
Why do we enter a float in the Rose Parade?
In 1935, Paul Harris said, “In the promotion of Rotary, it is important to reach large numbers and you cannot reach them privately.” Statistics have proven that when Rotary International and/or the Rotary Foundation creates public relations events and promotes Rotary membership increases as well as general knowledge of Rotary. By supporting the Float you can assist in a public relations effort to do BOTH!
When Rotary International’s directors approved the first entry in the parade over 45 years ago, they saw in it an unrivaled opportunity to bring Rotary’s name into public view. They reasoned that an eye-catching float would capture the interest of network commentators and remind the world, of Rotary’s good works. And so it has! Last year the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee had a viewing audience of 41 million households in the United States and 28 million households around the world in more than 243 countries/ territories .The Tournament estimates that more than 700,000 are present live on the parade route, over 22,000 view the floats as they are decorated; and almost 122,000 view the post-parade floats.
For the 44th consecutive year, the Committee again proudly presents its float to North America and the world. And each year, more clubs enthusiastically contribute financial support to this most important Rotary public relations project.
For the complete history , back to 1923, go to: https://www.rotaryfloat.org/history/
Nearly 70 million households see the Rose Parade.
The Rose Parade is seen by an estimated U.S. audience of almost 37 million households and an estimated international audience of 28 million households in over 243 territories. (2017 Tournament Statistics). The Pasadena Police Department estimates that approximately 700,000 spectators view the Rose Parade in person. Another 89,000 visit the Parade Float Decorating Sites and/or the Post Parade Float Viewing Area where the floats are on display for two days.
Where can I get information about the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl Game?
Visit the Tournament of Roses website: www.tournamentofroses.com . The 136th Rose Parade presented by Honda and 111th Rose Bowl Game presented by Prudential will return on January 1, 2025 starting at 8AM PST
When did the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee first enter a float in the Rose Parade?
While watching the 1979 Pasadena Rose Parade on Television, Jack Gilbert, who was President of the Wilshire Rotary Club, in Los Angeles, California, and subsequently chairman of the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee, had an idea. Rotary would be celebrating its 75th Anniversary in 1980. Jack believed that by entering a float in the 1980 New Year’s Day Rose Parade, Rotary could communicate its message, “Service Above Self” to millions of people worldwide. Jack shared his vision with other Rotarians, who supported the idea. Seven Governors in Southern California agreed to underwrite the cost of the float and make up any shortfall not covered by Club contributions. Fortunately, the Clubs contributed $35,000 which covered the full cost of the original float.
This first Tournament of Roses experience lead to the formation of the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee which now receives contributions each year from approximately 8 Rotary Districts and an additional 700 Individual Rotary Clubs to fund the float. The Committee has entered a float every year since 1980. See the History page for pictures and descriptions of previous floats.
Message from the Chair - Gene Hernandez , 2025 Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee
We are filled with immense joy and excitement as we extend our warmest greetings and invite you to join us on this remarkable journey of celebration and service.
As the Chair of the Rotary Rose Parade Float committee, I am honored to lead a dedicated group of volunteers, Rotarians, and community supporters in creating an awe-inspiring float that embodies Rotary’s core values.
The theme for the 2025 Tournament of Roses Parade is “Best Day Ever,” and our Rotary International theme is “Magic of Rotary – our Float Theme 2025- On the Road with Rotary.”
We believe in the power of collective action and the strength inherent in our global network. Through this float, our aim is to showcase the transformative impact of Rotary’s service projects in communities, both locally and across borders. The Tournament of Roses Parade provides a prestigious platform to share our message of service above self with millions of viewers around the world, inspiring hope and igniting change.
We invite you to explore our website, www.rotaryfloat.org, where you will find a wealth of information about our float, its design, and the incredible individuals involved in bringing it to life. Discover the history of Rotary’s participation in the Parade, learn about the vital causes we support, and find out how you can get involved. Together, we can make a difference.
Whether you are a member of the Rotary family, a potential sponsor, a media representative, or simply an enthusiast of the Rose Parade and its cherished traditions, we thank you for joining us on this exciting journey. As the countdown to January 1, 2025, begins, we encourage you to stay connected with us through our website and follow us on social media for the latest updates and opportunities to participate.
We extend our deepest gratitude to all the incredible volunteers, sponsors, and supporters who make this ambitious project possible. Your dedication and generosity are truly the driving force behind our success.
On behalf of the entire Rotary Rose Parade Float committee, we look forward to sharing the beauty, inspiration, and impact of our float with the world in 2025.
Together, let us make some magic and make a difference in the world.
Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee, Inc.
P.O. Box 92502
Pasadena, CA 91109-2502
Check out this interview with our Chairperson Gene Hernandez who was recently inteviewed on the ABC News Program – The Southern California Business Report with Yvette Walker.
Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick said.....
Dear Rotary Family,
As the President of Rotary International, I am thrilled to express my wholehearted support for the 2025 Rotary Rose Parade Float.
Our organization’s theme for 2025, “Magic of Rotary – the float theme is “On the Road with Rotary,” perfectly embodies the essence of our global mission. It is a joy to see this theme come to life through the vibrant and captivating design of our parade float.
The Rotary Rose Parade Float serves as a powerful representation of the work we do globally to bring positive change and uplift communities. Rotary’s impact knows no bounds, as we tirelessly address issues such as education, health, water and sanitation, peacebuilding, and economic development.
By participating in the Tournament of Roses Parade, we have a remarkable opportunity to showcase the reach and significance of Rotary’s worldwide efforts. The float acts as a testament to the boundless possibilities that arise when Rotarians come together with a shared vision of service.
Thank you for your ongoing dedication to Rotary’s mission. Together, through initiatives like the Rotary Rose Parade Float, we continue to create magic, bringing hope and inspiration to communities worldwide.
Yours in Rotary,
Stephanie A. Urchick