Posted by Meg Schmieder , Community Program Coordinator, ShelterBox Canada

In her January 2023 Newsletter, Meg SchmeiderCommunity Program Coordinator at ShelterBox Canada, provides an update on how Rotary and Shelterbox in Ukraine. Here's more of her newsletter.....

ShelterBox Update JANUARY 2023:



In light of ShelterBox’s recent response team deployment to Ukraine, observations of the gaps in support and the recent escalation of attacks on energy infrastructure, it has been decided to run a rapid winter response. Our 5th project aims to deliver vital life saving assistance as early as possible before the coldest winter months.

During the latest deployment, ShelterBox team's interviewed people impacted by the war as part of our assessment phase. This helps our response teams understand what communities really need to survive winter in Ukraine. Meet Lydia:

Lydia’s house sits at the back of a larger property that was severely damaged by missile strikes and is uninhabitable. Whilst Lydia has been able to return to her home, repairs are still needed to make living there bearable. She told us "The doors are damaged, at night when I sleep I cannot close the house. The roof needs repair, snow and rain come through. We bought windows at our own expense, but others still need repair”. Lydia lives with her elderly husband who has a disability.

Lydia's reality is one that many face; we know our work isn't done, and we still need your support. Read more about how winter is creating another challenge for those impacted by the war:



Meg Schmeider

Community Fundraising Coordinator, ShelterBox Canada

2010 Winston Park Drive, Suite 200, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7

E:     T: 647.695.1339

ShelterBox Canada is a registered Canadian charity (Charity Number 84628 3208 RR0001).

Mailing Address: ShelterBox Canada, 200-2010 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7



Read our Current Operations to see more countries your support is working in.

Click here to read more about your impact on families


GET CONNECTED: Join the conversation : 

Did you know that there is a Rotary and ShelterBox Support Group on Facebook? It is a group that brings together Rotarians, ShelterBox Supporters, Staff and ShelterBox Response Teams to discuss all things ShelterBox and Rotary. It is a great place to see the latest operations updates, Rotary deployment information and video content to share with your Rotary Club. If you would like to join the group and conversation, please search for “Rotary and ShelterBox Support Group” on Facebook and ask to join the conversation!



Looking for speakers this Rotary year? We would love to tell your club even more about ShelterBox and the impact Rotarians make. Request a speaker:



Join the ShelterBox community today and you’ll receive exclusive updates about where ShelterBox is working, how you’re aid supports families, and stories directly from the people you are helping.

But more importantly, you’ll be joining a community of passionate individuals who are impatient to see a world where no one is left without shelter.

We’ll be sending you a first-hand look at what life is like for families affected by disaster, and how our global ShelterBox network works to help these families self-recover. You’ll receive exclusive news, stories, videos, and more — right to your inbox.

Join today, and be a shining light in the dark for families recovering from disaster.


About ShelterBox Canada: Canada is a registered charity that has been a part of the global ShelterBox network since 2010. We have a team of over 120 volunteers across the country who share their passion with us and help us raise awareness and fundraise across the country. There are ten Canadian ShelterBox Response Team members who work tirelessly with the rest of the International Response Team to deliver aid to families who need it around the world. To learn more about our board and staff click here .

ShelterBox and Rotary are official project partners in international disaster relief. ShelterBox is a registered charity independent of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation.  Since  2012, we have been neighbours, friends and community leaders. Their aim is to create positive, lasting change in communities at home and all over the world.project partners with Rotary International, a global community of 1.2 million. Rotary has supported ShelterBox from the start when a local club championed the simple idea to package up essential shelter items in our now-iconic ShelterBoxes. As ShelterBox grew, so did Rotary support, and we are now international project partners in disaster relief. This partnership has helped us to become who we are today. Our global network of ShelterBox affiliates, which provides all-round assistance, evolved from Rotary relationships.



2010 Winston Park Drive, Suite 200, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7

Email:       Telephone: 647.695.1339

Is your club interested in having a ShelterBox Presentation at an upcoming meeting? Let us know at