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Just as no Rotary Club can function effectively without a smooth working organization supporting its President, so too for the District. In this day and age, a District Governor cannot possibly do that which is necessary to achieve the maximum in club activity in all five avenues of service without the enthusiastic dedication and support of many Rotarians working in a district team or organization.
Much contained herein is simply "writing down" of what has been developed over a number of years in the District. Some items have been added after much debate and with the advice and assistance of many knowledgeable Rotarians in addition to our own Past District Governors.
The District Guideline of Procedure and Policy is available to all Rotary members on the district web site. The District Guideline of Procedure and Policy is distributed annually to all club presidents.
The District Governance Committee, in consultation with the District Governor, shall periodically and a minimum of every three years review these Guidelines and amend them if necessary.
Much contained herein is simply "writing down" of what has been developed over a number of years in the District. Some items have been added after much debate and with the advice and assistance of many knowledgeable Rotarians in addition to our own Past District Governors.
The District Guideline of Procedure and Policy is available to all Rotary members on the district web site. The District Guideline of Procedure and Policy is distributed annually to all club presidents.
The District Governance Committee, in consultation with the District Governor, shall periodically and a minimum of every three years review these Guidelines and amend them if necessary.
The District 7070 Guideline of Procedure and Policy can be seen by reviewing the column on the left hand side of this page.