Foundation Membership and Donations

Every Rotarian-Every Year (EREY)-When you make an annual contribution to The Rotary Foundation, you can be confident that 50 percent of that gift will come right back to your district in three years to be used for educational and humanitarian programs and for projects in your local community. The other portion of your contribution benefits the World Fund in support of our commitment to international service. The three-year SHARE investment cycle ensures that 100 percent of your contribution is spent on Rotary programs and grants.

Recurring giving: Rotary Direct- Enroll in The Rotary Foundation’s recurring giving program, Rotary Direct, and save time, money, and lives through your generous contributions. Select an amount, frequency (monthly, quarterly or annually), and contribution method that is convenient for you. You may even direct your contributions to one of Rotary’s six areas of focus.

Rotarians can arrange to make automatic withdrawals from their bank account to the Foundation on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.
An explanatory brochure including a form to authorize such deductions can be downloaded from the Rotary Foundation Canada website (see the column to the left of this article.

Canadian Rotarians can now directly contribute to the Rotary Foundation Canada using their credit card. To do so, go to the Rotary Foundation Canada Website and follow the steps.

Sustaining Member Rotarians recognize that without sustained support of the Annual Programs Fund, the programs of The Rotary Foundation cannot happen. Become a Sustaining Foundation Member by contributing at least US$100 to the Foundation each and every year (EVERY ROTARIAN EVERY YEAR). Anyone who contributes US$100 or more per year to the Annual Fund is automatically recognized as a Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member. Sustaining Members are critical to the Foundation. If every club member contributed $100 every year, Rotary could nearly double its efforts to help needy people worldwide and support the continued growth of its programs. All gifts cumulatively count toward other Foundation recognition programs.

Benefactor -You may become a Benefactor by making the Permanent Fund a beneficiary in your estate plans or by donating $1,000 USD or more to the fund outright. Benefactors receive a custom certificate and insignia to wear with a Rotary or Paul Harris Fellow pin. District 7070 has an active program to encourage Rotarians to become a Benefactor. For information please contact Ted Morrison at 905-623-3810 or .

An acceptable codicil for Canadian wills is:
“I hereby give and bequeath the sum of ….$ to the Rotary Foundation (Canada) to be used as the directors of the Foundation may from time to time determine.”

Bequest Society -Couples or individuals, who have made commitments of $10,000 USD or more in their estate plans, such as in a will, living trust, or through whole or universal life insurance, can become Bequest Society members. All Bequest Society members receive recognition from the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation. Donors may elect to receive an engraved crystal recognition piece and a Bequest Society pin. Unless you request to not receive recognition you will be recognized automatically upon notification of your bequest commitment.

Paul Harris Fellow -Donors of US$1,000 or more to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant, or people who have that amount contributed in their name, can be recognized as Paul Harris Fellows.

Paul Harris Society: The Paul Harris Society is named after the founder of Rotary International. The society recognizes friends of The Rotary Foundation who annually contribute US$1,000 or more to the Annual Programs Fund, PolioPlus, and other approved Foundation grant activities. Society contributions may count toward Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member, Paul Harris Fellow, Multiple Paul Harris Fellow, and Major Donor recognition. A contribution of US$85 a month or $250 a quarter can make a world of difference for those in need!

Major Donor -The Rotary Foundation recognizes couples or individuals whose combined personal, or cumulative giving has reached $10,000. All outright contributions made to the Foundation are included in this total, regardless of the gift designation. Donors may elect to receive a crystal recognition piece and a Major Donor lapel pin or pendant. Recognition items commemorate giving at each recognition level:

If you and your family are in a position or if you know of someone in your Rotary Club who may be in a position to give a major gift to the Foundation – please contact Michael Bell, Chair of the District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee at 905-885-4239 or He will assist you with your donation and recognition from The Rotary Foundation.




Contribution (US$)


$100,000 to $249,999


$50,000 to $99,999


$25,000 to $49,999


$10,000 to $24,999

Arch C. Klumph Society-Donors whose cumulative gifts total US$250,000 qualify for the Arch C. Klumph Society. Qualifiers are invited to an induction ceremony at RI headquarters in Evanston, and their pictures and biographies are installed in the Arch C. Klumph Society interactive gallery. Arch C. Klumph Society members also receive invitations to special society events, along with membership pins and crystals that commemorate giving at each level.


Contribution (US$)

Foundation Circle

$1 million and above

Chair's Circle

$500,000 to $999,999

Trustees Circle

$250,000 to $499,999


The Rotary Foundation (Canada) office is now located at 33 King St. W., Caledon,  ON, L7E 1C7

The phone number is 905 533 5100. The office administrator is Susan Hicks. She can also be reached by email at

Any Canadian tax receipt questions should be directed to Susan.