Symposium Program

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Rotarians for Peace Symposium Program -also available to download here!

08:00 – 08:55              Arrival and Registration   Concert Hall Foyer

09:00 – 09:10              Opening Ceremonies   Concert Hall

09:10 – 10:10              Morning Keynote Speakers   Concert Hall

                                        “Pax Polio – A Paradox”                              Dr. Bob Scott

                                        “Peace in Action”                                        Raseema Alam 

10:10 – 10:25              Coffee Break   Concert Hall, Foyer, Salon B

10:25 – 11:10              Morning Keynote Speakers (continued)   Concert Hall

                                        “Peace and Conflict”                                    Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish 

11:10 – 11:15              Transition to Breakout Sessions A

11:15 – 12:00              Breakout Sessions A (concurrent)

                                        A1   “Peace in Our Schools – Youth Inspiring Youth”                                                         

Concert Hall

                                        A2   “A Proactive Approach to Youth Crime Prevention”

Quebec (Mezzanine)

                                        A3:  “Doctors: Messengers of Hope and Peace”

                                                        Tudor 7 & 8 (Mezzanine)

                                        A4:  “Financing the Rotary Peace Centres Program”

                                                        Territories (Mezzanine)

                                        A5:  “Landmines”

                                                        Confederation 5 & 6 (Mezzanine)

12:00 – 12:15              Transition to Plenary and Lunch Buffet   Concert Hall

12:15 – 13:00              $1 Million Polio Celebratory Announcement   Concert Hall

with Rotary International President Sajuki Tanaka and

Canada’s Minister of International Co-operation Hon. Julian Fantino

13:00 – 14:05              2012 Wilf Wilkinson Peace Award and Keynote Speaker   Concert Hall

  Presentation of 2012 Wilf Wilkinson Peace Award by PRIP Wilf Wilkinson and PDG Bob Wallace
  to Craig & Marc Kielburger and acceptance by Marc Kielburger.                              

“Me to We:  Inspiring the Generation of Changemakers” - Mark Kielburger                                                                                                                 

14:05 – 14:15              Transition to Breakout Sessions B (concurrent)

14:15 – 15:00              Sessions B (concurrent)

                                        B1:          “Songs of Peace”    

                                                        Concert Hall

                                        B2:          “Building Relationships, Not Bullies”    

                                                        Quebec (Mezzanine)

                                        B3:          “Reflecting on the Green Path to Peace”   

                                                        Tudor 7 & 8 (Mezzanine)

                                        B4:          “Finding Rotary Peace Centre Candidates”     

                                                        Territories (Mezzanine)

    B5:          “The Life Cycle of a Rotary World Peace Fellow”

                    Confederation 5 & 6 (Mezzanine) 

15:00 – 15:10              Transition to Plenary

15:10 – 15:55              Concluding Keynote Address   Concert Hall

                                         “Building Peace from the Bottom Up”                                                   Khalil Shariff

15:55 – 16:00              Peace Song   Concert Hall                                                                                                   

                                        “In the World’s Backyard”              Markham-Unionville Rotary Club Choir                                                                                                                                                       

Thank you for attending and safe journey home!