Rotary District 7070 has developed a policy against abuse and harassment which includes reporting guidelines and recommendations to clubs which should assist them in developing their own policies. The policy was adopted by the District.  It applies only to District-sponsored events or activities (such as a District Conference, R.Y.L.A. / R.Y.L.S. and  Rotary Youth Exchange) but may also assist clubs which have not yet developed or adopted their own policies in connection with club-sponsored events and activities.
The District Protection Officer (DPO) should be contacted if a potential or actual abuse or harassment issue arises in connection with a district program or activity. The DPO can also assist you with any specific questions or concerns regarding the policy, guidelines and recommendations. The DPO is also available to assist clubs in preparing their own policy, and can act if requested as a Club Protection Officer.
District Protection Officer: 
PDG Lynda Ryder
Res: 416-252-3623
For more information, please contact the DPO above or the current District Governor.
September 5, 2023:
Here is the access and credentials to NEW Toronto Police Service Record Check:

The new Toronto Police Record Check platform is now accessible to participating community agencies.

As a participating agency, you are being asked to:

1)            Login to the new platform and familiarize yourself with the features; https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www2.policesolutions.ca/checks/services/toronto/organization.php__;!!KoL6vQ!veeRAqKJyhwWTE3PQJCAKoQgi6wn947sm1QAbu237uEA7ZY9v73reIBto1_80DlmO_ndlAClKERj8FW4TB_hTu8$

Username: lryder27262

Password: JLefox12@(

2)            Retrieve your new Agency Code to share with your applicants so they can apply online

3)            Refer your applicants to https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.tps.to/police-checks__;!!KoL6vQ!veeRAqKJyhwWTE3PQJCAKoQgi6wn947sm1QAbu237uEA7ZY9v73reIBto1_80DlmO_ndlAClKERj8FW4Wq5sa_8$ to apply for police checks online starting September 5, 2023

Still have questions? Please review https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.tps.to/police-checks__;!!KoL6vQ!veeRAqKJyhwWTE3PQJCAKoQgi6wn947sm1QAbu237uEA7ZY9v73reIBto1_80DlmO_ndlAClKERj8FW4Wq5sa_8$.