Our News

In her January 2025 Newsletter, District 7070 Governor Virginia O'Reilly talks about the first six months in District 7070 being truly magical as she visited clubs and heard about their tremendous service projects and she encourages everyone to keep it going - a wonderful way to attract new members. During the next 6 moths, Virginia asks us to concentrate on reaching our Magic of Millions target of $1 million to The Rotary Foundation. She also encourages us to register for the Rotary International Convention in Calgary in June and to bring our club goals to fruition to Make Magic happen in 2024-2024.  .  .......      .  

January is Vocational Service month on Rotary’s calendar.  Please take a few minutes to read about this important Avenue of Service in these excerpts from an article written by the Past Chair of the District 7070 Vocational Service Committee, Ian Lancaster, about Vocational Service,  its history and its importance in Rotary club life. Be sure to check out examples of projects for your club to support and make everyone award of Rotary's important Avenue of Service ....


2025 Rotary Rose Parade Committee Float Theme:  On The Road With Rotary

Every year,  the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee has a viewing audience of over  41 million households in the United States and 28 million households around the world in more than 243 countries/ territories - Rotary's biggest Public Image event every year . The Tournament estimates that more than 700,000 are present live on the parade route, over 22,000 view the floats as they are decorated; and almost 122,000 view the post-parade floats. That's what we call boosting Rotary's public image . Tune into KTLA for the best coverage of the Parade and see the 2025 Rotary Rose Parade Float on January 1, 2025 as early as 10 am (Toronto Time). Read more for the rest of the story ......

May be an image of text that says 'Simply Innesistible ACTIVATE, INNOVATE, ACCELERATE! Join us as act now to grow Rotary! 1ST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH @ 7:30PM EST NEXT SESSION: JAN 6T Oiling the Squeaky Parts: Strategies to Increase Your Club's Ability to Adapt The perfect webinar for District and Club Membership Chairs, and open to all members! Get the zoom link in the post! Rotary Zones 28 & 32 m'Start the year off with a bit of attention to the squeaks! Learn about how some clubs have adapted to changing needs at our first monthly Membership Meetup of 2025 on Monday, January 6th.

You can always find the link on the Zone website calendar. Please share!  Rotary Zones 28 and 32 -- all welcome!

Be sure to join in on the Zoom meeting.  Monday January 6 at 7:30 pm . The membership meeting is called " Oiling the Squeaky Parts: Strategies to Increase Your Club’s Ability to Adapt". 

Join on Zoom:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86755780910?pwd=pOP9Y2J6g78EkCgPLFnDT4kH5OOgfc.1

Meeting bannerTune in to the Diversity Equity Inclusion Zone 28 and 32 Committee's Quarterly Conversations on Thursday, January 9 at 7 PM. 

The zoom meeting is ideal for DEI and memberships chairs and Directors in your Rotary and Rotaract Club. 

Here is the link  to register for the meeting and to receive the zoom link..


District 7070 is looking for Rotarians who are interested in leading our District as Governor in the 2027-28 Rotary year – July 1, 2027 to June 30, 2028.  

All Rotary Clubs in District 7070 are invited to submit suggestions to me on or before Friday, January 10th, 2025. Nomination forms should be scanned and sent by email to vorontheroad@gmail.com.  Receipt of each form will be made by return email. Please retain the original form. Please use the attached nomination form, noting that each club may suggest only one of its own members as a candidate for the position of Governor-Nominee (term of office begins July 1, 2027) as per Rotary International By-Law 12.030.3. Also attached are District Election Guidelines provided by Rotary International.  As per District 7070 Policies & Procedures Point 5.4.2, page 5 of 22, such a submission shall be in the form of a resolution, adopted at a regular meeting of the club, properly certified by the secretary, and accompanied by a resume or biographical sketch of the suggested Rotarian

Duly-nominated candidates will be interviewed on the morning of Saturday January 25th, 2025 in Meeting Room 2 at the Whitby Public Library. ....

Tune in to the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 Polio Webinar on January 16, 2025 at 6 pm EST where you will hear about where we are now.... where we are headed and how we will get there from Mike McGovern, Chair of Rotary's International Polio Plus Committee; Rotary International Director Chris Etienne ; Rotary Foundation Trustee Marty Helman; and Senior Rotary Polio Staff Officer Clare Monroe.

Be sure to register. Here is the link to register for the webinar.

Empowering young leaders to develop new skills and take action. The D7070 Rotary Youth Leadership Symposium gathers youth ranging from ages 16 to 20 for an immersive program focused on diversity, leadership, and action.  The 2025 dates are  April 10-13, 2025 at Ganaraska Forest Centre. we are accepting applications now until March 1, 2025. The cost is $399/participant, only $14 increase over last year - a great price point!


At the Rotary District 7070 Conference , on October 26, Bob Wallace and Jim Louttit announced a new Rotary District 7070 Goal for The Rotary Foundation called "The Magic of Millions". Our goal is to raise, by June 30, 2025, is $1 million . Please appoint an ambassador for your club to help you promote the Magic of Millions . Throughout the year, please encourage your members to donate to : the Annual Programs Fund, the Polio Fund, The Disaster Response Fund and to the Endowment Fund.  Come to the Rotary Foundation Grants Seminar in Oshawa on November 16 to find out even more how you can help us reach that Magic of Millions. 

Brush-a-mania is a not-for-profit program designed to promote oral health and awareness among young children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6. It was started in 2001 by the Scarborough Rotary Passport Club and has already reached over 650,000 students. Our purpose is to educate and motivate children and to bring together dentists, Rotarians, teachers and parents to create a celebration around proper dental care. Read more about this great project and see how you and your Rotary Club can  help next year.....



We are thrilled to announce DGE Niecy Dillon's 2025 Conference at the beautiful Fern Resort in Orillia. Take this opportunity to book your ticket for fun and fellowship by copying this link.


Registrations are now open. Rooms are limited - only 102 of them - many of them on the waterfront and are suitable for singles, doubles and groups. We do hope that you will join us.

The District 7070 Conference Committee